Sunday, August 4, 2024

qbXML is Rest – Distilled

The design of Quickbooks XML is fundamentally REST.  Allow me to rephrase an old post with way too many words about this.

The Quickbooks Web Connector (QBWC) would run on the client with the Quickbooks GUI, and periodically make calls out to a SOAP server to set up a session, get “qbXML” documents, and execute them.

Each of those documents contained a series of elements that essentially mapped to commands within Quickbooks.  To make an edit request, one included the type of object being edited, its ID, its sequence number (for conflict detection), and the desired changes.  Crucially, everything Quickbooks needed to carry out that request was embedded within the XML.  The XML could only reference objects that existed inside of Quickbooks.  There was no concept of “session data,” “temporary IDs,” locks, or anything, and no way to create nor access them.

If memory serves, one could “name” objects being created, then reference them later by that name within the same qbXML document.  Thus, “create a new thing and update something else to reference it” was expressible.

In other words, qbXML transferred a complete representation of the necessary state to complete the request: therefore, by my understanding, it is REST.

The overall system wasn’t pure REST.  Everything happened within the context of “a session” which had “a specific company file” open in the GUI.  Outside of that, the fact that SOAP/WSDL (normally an full-blown RPC mechanism) was the transport was practically irrelevant.

I’m also aware there is no HTTP, thus no HTTP integration, no URLs, and no HATEOAS.  However, I don’t think these things are required to call something REST; those are simply things that REST was co-popularized with.

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