Sunday, July 14, 2024

fopen() modes vs. Unix modes

fopen modes vs. Unix modes

PHP has a function for creating temporary files, tempnam. One limitation is that it only takes a filename prefix, and most often, I want to have a file “type” as the suffix, like “report-20240701-RANDOM.csv”.

new SplTempFileObject() creates a file in memory, which isn’t usable for anything where an actual “file on disk” is required.  The related tmpfile() function does not give access to the file name itself.

Meanwhile, fopen() and new SplFileObject() don’t offer control of the Unix permissions.  We can create files in exclusive-write mode by setting the mode to argument to “x”, but we can’t pass 0o600 (rw- --- ---) at that stage.  We have to create the file, and if it works, call chmod() separately.

fopen() and anything modeled on it offer a context parameter, but there are no context options for the file: scheme, only for other stream wrappers.

Underneath fopen()—at least on Linux—is the open syscall.  That call accepts a mode_t mode argument, to indicate what Unix permissions to use when creating a file, which is exactly what we are after.  But thanks to history and standards, we can’t access that directly from PHP now.

P.S.: there’s actually another possibility: we can rename() the file from tempnam() to add a suffix in the same directory.  If an attacker can observe our original file and create the target file with something unexpected, then the rename() will fail.  If tempnam() didn’t give us the permissions we wanted, though, we’d be out of luck with that, and it’s still a two-step process.

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