Since I've radically changed my work VM configuration, I needed to change my home PC in order to connect properly to the new setup.
Before we dive in, a brief review of the old setup: the host at work, which we will call `audia`, ran a VirtualBox guest named `dev`. dev had its own set of configs and configuration knobs so that I could write dev.audia.pc dev
into /etc/hosts, point Firefox to dev:10080, and code running on dev would be able to recognize "this is development," not require TLS, and know that
is the URI root of the app. I configured VirtualBox's port forwarding to listen on from audia, and when I connected to the VPN, my home computer (call it `starlet`) had its own /etc/hosts listing that used the internal IP of audia for dev. The same URI from home would then get connected via port-forwarding to the dev VM.
This all changed when I wanted to test a SAN certificate and some redirection rules. I didn't want certificate mismatch errors in Firefox, and I needed dev to think it was the production server so that it would use the production ruleset. That became the underlying justification for
devproxy. After that point, dev had the production certificates, hostnames, and rules. It had a host-only network added, which audia now used, and I took out the port forward. (This was the problem behind getting
Lost in the Complexity.)
But without the port forward, starlet can't reach dev anymore, only audia. Of course, I came up with a solution:
(Despite what may be implied, the VPN isn't connected to starlet. I just didn't feel like redrawing the whole tube.)